Water Will Be More Valuable Than Oil

“…Water will be to the 21st Century what oil was to the 20th…” - World Bank

How severe is the Crisis and How Soon?

Over 97% of the world’s water is salt water. Slightly more than two-thirds of the fresh water is locked in polar ice caps. Fresh water lakes, rivers and available ground water represent less than 1% of world’s water. China has warned that it will run out of accessible water by 2030. Unless something changes, a Chinese child born today will not have water to drink before he is old enough to vote.

Our Vision

Our vision is to ship large volumes of pure Alaskan water by bulk food grade vessels to countries around the world, for bottling and distribution in the domestic markets.

We plan to develop the “Blue Alaska” brand, in high end packaging, which captures the mystique of Alaska water source

Already in Place

  • Experienced management team and strong Board of Directors with a passion for bulk water.
  • 20 years of research into the bulk water concept.
  • Proven tested concept.
  • Hydrology reports & engineering survey completed.
  • 15 year renewable exclusive bulk water purchase agreement with Aleut Corporation for pristine Arctic water from the Island of Adak, Aleutian Islands, Alaska.
  • Bulk water loading structure in place on Island of Adak.

If you are looking to buy large amounts of Water or would like to find out more about us please contact us on the link below.

Posted on 20th March 2012 .