Water Purchase Agreement

Arctic Blue Waters’, entered into a Water Purchase Agreement with Aleut Corporation, an Alaskan Native Corporation, which provides the exclusive right to Spirit to purchase bulk water for export from a pure water supply on Adak Island, State of Alaska. This agreement is for 15 years, with minimum bulk water purchases to be met every five years and with the right to extend for an additional 15 years. State approval for the right to export of bulk water by Aleut Corporation was granted on September 30, 2011. The issued export permits allow 1.0 million gallons per day to be harvested. All infra-structure is in place to load up to 25,000 DWT food-grade tankers with this pure Arctic Water.

If you are looking to buy Bulk Water or would like to find out more about us please contact us on the link below.


Posted on 16th July 2010 .