Import Bulk Water

Arctic Blue Waters Alaska Inc; mission is to source the purest water on the planet and harvest it for the benefit of those not privileged to be able to enjoy free access to consumable drinking water. Arctic Blue Waters Alaska Inc; exports large volumes of Alaskan water by bulk food grade vessels to countries around the world, for bottling and distribution to the domestic markets.

Arctic Blue Waters Alaska Inc; has over 20 years of research into the bulk water importation and a proven tested concept. The company currently has a 15 year renewable exclusive bulk water purchase agreement with Aleut Corporation for pristine Arctic water from the Island of Adak, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Therefore Arctic Blue Waters can export 500,000 gallons per day from the three lake at Adak, Lake Bonnie Rose, Lake De Marie and Lake Betty. There is over 40 million gallons a day in water runoff all of which is going straight into the ocean where as it could be sent somewhere to benefit those who live in countries where water is scarce.

Adak has an advantage over other Alaskan companies also looking to export bulk water due to its relative proximity to Asia and existing docks capable of berthing larger tankers as well as having the necessary infrastructure in place.

Posted on 9th January 2013 .