Fast and Affordable Bulk Water

Fred Paley is the CEO of Arctic Blue Waters has over 23 years' experience in bottled water including marketing, sales, bottling and shipping. He became interested in the supply of fresh drinking water in 1983 while he was travelling in Bangladesh. Where he observed children drinking water from a pond where there was a dead buffalo floating. From that point on Fred sensed that need to harvest pure drinking water from areas of abundance and transport it to countries where drinking water was polluted or depleted. This would also make it possible to use some of the profits to provide pure drinking water to local communities that could not afford bottled water.

The hunt then began to find this perfect water source that could be close enough to India, China and other countries that where desperately in need of fresh unpolluted bulk water. After extensive research Arctic Blue Waters sourced a bulk water supply from Adak, Alaska (please see map below - A). The supply of bulk water is from the mountain lakes of this island, which are fed by springs, rain and melting snow which gives the water the truly Arctic taste. A complete water analysis which was completed in April 2012 showed the water to be very pure with a pH 6.7 - 7.0 and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of 29.8 mg/L.

However, only does the water from this island boast a superior water quality to many rivals but the islands are perfectly located for the transport of bulk water to Asia. Adak is located in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean, resulting for the first time in faster and cheaper access to bulk water. This combined the mission to find water perfection.

For information on how to buy Arctic Blue water in bulk please email or visit

Posted on 4th February 2013 .