Assessment of Global Water Supplies

Vital Water Graphics focuses on critical issues vital to the quality of earth - water quantity, quality and availability. These reports take into consideration the assessment of global water supplies from a number of resources. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations agency and collaborating centres and partners are aware of the importance of assessing global water resources and providing early warning on water issues. These partnerships enable a wider involvement in the assessment of the world's water supplies.

Highlights from the assessment activities over the past two decades which have been used to establish present and future trends show the following;

1. Many of the world's river basins run through unpopulated regions resulting in many of the world's freshwater resources being unevenly distributed. Excluding Antarctica, there are an estimated 264 international rivers which cover 45.3% of the land-surface.

2. It is estimated that 1.5 billion people depend upon groundwater for their drinking water, which represents 90% of the world's readily available freshwater resources.

3. Only 5% of the total global consumption is for domestic purposes where as 75% is Agricultural and 20% industrial.

4. Shockingly it is estimated by 2025 two out of three people will be living in water stressed areas. 25 countries in Africa will be experiencing water stress, currently 450 million people in 29 countries are suffering from water shortage.

5. 20% of the global population are currently lacking access to clean drinking water, with supplies and sanitation still remaining a major problem in many parts of the world. Water-borne diseases from faecal pollution of surface water is currently claiming as estimated 2 million lives a year. Most of which are children under the age of 5.

These issues are only going to get worse; therefore, Arctic Blue Waters are continuously researching and advancing with a team of highly experienced professionals into the importance and benefits of bulk water transportation. Including the possibilities of shipping bulk water from regions of abundance to countries where water is scarce.

Posted on 28th March 2013 .