Government and Businesses Cooperation is Crucial in Dealing with Water Scarcity

Worldwatch Institute's Vital Signs report "some 1.2 billion people - almost one fifth of the world live in areas of physical water scarcity, another 1.6 billion face what can be called an economic water shortage".

Water shortages can be seen in Easter Africa, Australia, China and several Mediterranean countries and western regions due to drought in recent years. In a world where the countries are struggling from water shortage and 345 million people in Africa alone do not have access to clean drinking water!

The lack of correct water management can have a serious affect on both the social and economic growth of a country. A major barrier to this is the lack of action taken by governments of countries suffering from water shortage.

State governments should local governments by releasing funds so they can better fulfil their water and sanitation responsibilities, enable legislation to create and properly finance water and sanitation departments in each local government council. In addition, local government councils should work on ways to highlight fund gaps and ensure coordination and monitoring of financial contributions.

Arctic Blue Waters will be undertaking more research into this topic and blog updates will be posted here



Posted on 19th April 2013 .