Global Water Summit 2013 - Water Shortage

For many water shortage seems to be an out of sight out of mind issue, however the water shortage is becoming more server every year. Water leaders from around the world have recently met at the Global Water Summit in order to address the issue of the effect of increasing water shortages.


1. The world's water systems will be the first to be affected by the impact of climate change.

2. The rise in competition for food, fibre and energy resources is rising at an exceptional rate.

3. Due to accelerated urbanisation and a lack of strong public finances, the water infrastructure deficit is rapidly widening.

If allowed to continue without action being taken all of the above will result in a large impact on our lives that we have ever had before. Whether it is a flood, drought, infrastructure failure, interruption to business or prevention of agricultural growth over the next decade we will all be affected by water issues.

The world and water leaders now need to work together to create a plan for better water risk management. On the 22nd - 23rd of April water leaders from around the world met in order to address this challenge. Those included in the meeting are as follows;

1. Those who rely on water to maintain their production such as business leaders

2. Investors who's portfolios would be affected by a water shortage

3 Utility chief executives and water ministers who take responsibility for water infrastructure

4. Water technologists and engineers who can provide solutions

Arctic Blue Waters will be keeping an eye on the outcome of this meeting as well as addressing the importance of bulk water shipments and the impact it can have on the world's water shortage. The company will be attending various meetings in the upcoming months to analyse how bulk water shipments to countries with water shortages can help address the increasing water risks.

If you would like to discuss the supply of bulk water please email or call 01277 232223


(photo from

Posted on 26th April 2013 .