Bulk Water Exports

The time for bulk water is now. Various companies have tried to transport bulk water before but none have been situated in such a great location with exclusive rights and access to the water. We are the only company in the world in the position to start bulk water transport via ocean going vessels, port to port.

Arctic Blue Waters provide water, freight on board (FOB) for either private or public companies. Each project is different depending on quantity of bulk water, location and end usage, so please contact us directly with project details.

Arctic Blue Waters

Arctic's mission to ensure that our customers only receive premium quality of water. A full water analyse has been carried out by Analytics Group (http://www.analyticagroup.com/) and is available upon request. It is this remarkable quality that enables consumers around the world to taste the true nature of water. In fact "Taste the True Nature of Water" so accurately captures the benefits of our bulk water that we have made it one of our primary marketing statements.

Bulk Water Shipments

Rather than importing foreign produced bottled water by air, we ship vessels full of water to ports requested by our customers. This reduces the overall cost of the water and means larger amounts can be transported at one time. We are currently in negotiation with UAE, China, Mexico and USA for the supply of bulk water. We have various sources available for bulk water, therefore keeping shipping costs in a minimum.

Please email info@arcticbluewaters.com including details of the port you would like the water shipped to, quantity of water and completion date.




Photo by Dave Swathourt (http://dswarthout.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/adak-island.html)

Posted on 30th April 2013 .