Drinking Water - UAE

The Gulf News reported in August 2013 “Drinking Water in UAE comes under scanner”. Report states that without quality mark no water bottles will be allowed to be sold in the UAE market from March 2014.

Dubai: All packaged drinking water sold in the UAE will have to have a quality mark issued by the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (Esma) by the end of the first quarter of 2014.

The regulation, which has already been approved by the UAE cabinet, is designed to tackle drinking water and all materials that come in contact with drinking water from one end to the other.

“We are taking a holistic approach in tackling the issue of drinking water. We want to make sure all water that is sold as drinking water in the market is actually fit for drinking. We are also looking at different materials that come in contact with drinking water, such as coolers, bottles, containers, tankers and pipelines to make sure these materials don’t contaminate drinking water,” said Mohannad Saleh Badri, Director-General of Esma.

Most drinking water bottles that are labeled ‘mineral water’ are not actually mineral water and the new law will force the manufacturers to ascertain the source of water, the treatment process as well as the material used for packaging.

“Apart from a few manufacturers which operate from the bigger emirates, most of the water bottling firms that run their business from the smaller emirates are not properly monitored. With the new law in place from mid next year all firms will have to comply with one set of standards. They will also have to clearly state the source of the water such as mineral, spring, desalinated or groundwater and the process that water went through,” said Badri.

Arctic Blue Waters has available large volumes of pristine drinking water in bulk and can transport it by ships to areas of the world where drinking water is polluted or depleted.

If you would like more information about Arctic Blue Waters or a quote for Bulk Water shipments please contact us on 01277 232223 or email info@arcticbluewaters.com

Posted on 16th January 2014 .