Global Water Market 2014

Meeting the World’s Water and Wastewater Needs Until 2018.


The Global Water Market 2014 has been updated, rewritten and expanded and is an essential tool for planning your business strategy for the next five years.

The country chapters have been been made to include exclusive information on procurement models and supply chains to each individual country market.
Our most comprehensive country trend reports to date - they now include expanded forecasts and historical trends.
Company profiles of major international participants, so you can assess your position in the market against the dominant global participants.
Global and country-by-country forecasts - your guide to the best opportunities for the private sector

Comprehensive introduction to the water cycle

The global economic recovery may have been slow and the municipal market disappointing, but worthwhile opportunities are still evolving providing you have access to exclusive market intelligence.

Global Water Market 2014 identifies the best global opportunities for private sector participation and investment over the next five years. The report is an essential resource for designing your business strategy and for expanding your business into these profitable country markets. It provides in-depth and exclusive information on emerging trends and opportunities It will also inflorm you at to why it is worth your investment and how you can get involved from the earliest stages. In-depth country chapters for the most significant water markets explain market structures, government policies and reveal exclusive current and future project information. It will provide you with deep market insight that will give you the edge over your regional contenders.

The report also provides a complete introduction to the water market. It covers the entire water cycle also including an insight of market dynamics, procurement systems, finance, technologies and industrial water and profiles of the most important market participants and an explanation of our market forecast.

Assembling information, forecasts and data for all the key markets into a sole resource. This distinctive report allows you to compare the best opportunities for your business. Accompanying datasets on CD-ROM will allow you to control and obtain this fresh data to create and present your business plan. Now more than ever, Global Water Market is the essential resource for your business planning.


Arctic Blue Waters can safely provide pure Arctic water in bulk that can transport it by food-grade ships to California to assist with the drought.


Posted on 18th February 2014 .