Dominicans Deal with Water Shortages, Power Outages

Arctic Blue Waters brings up to date news from all around the world. Todays news was researched from the Latin American Herald Tribune.

SANTO DOMINGO – An acute water shortage due to the ongoing drought, albeit largely restricted to Santo Domingo, is adding to the other difficulties caused in the Dominican Republic’s capital by power outages in recent days.

The drought has reduced river levels and thus caused a drop in the supply of potable water for dozens of neighborhoods located in the southeastern and northwestern parts of the capital.

The Santo Domingo Water and Sewer Corporation, or CAASD, said Saturday it would ration water in those neighborhoods and called on the public to “considerably” reduce their consumption as a way to help resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

CAASD said that it ordered the diversion of water into the aqueducts that supply the sectors affected by the shortage, and it will also distribute free drinking water to the public in cistern trucks.

The sectors most affected by the water shortage include Los Alcarrizos, Herrera, Bayona, Las Caobas, Pantoja, Los Peralejos, Las Palmas, Isabela and others in the northwestern part of the capital, as well as Naco, Kennedy, Gazcue, Honduras, Loteria and Las Flores located in the south and southeast.

CAASD said that its workers are devoting their efforts to correcting leaks in the pipelines, adding that they will take “drastic” measures against people and institutions that misuse water.

The water shortage is hitting Dominicans simultaneously with the falloff in electricity service, which affected half the capital on Friday.

The new crisis is also affecting the seat of government, which on Wednesday experienced a 30-minute blackout just as an official event attended by President Leonel Fernandez and first lady Margarita Cedeño was getting under way.

Utility officials blame the problem on the fact that several power plants have gone offline, but they say that the situation is under “control.”

Arctic Blue Waters is seeking a major beverage manufacturer/distributor in China that would consider bottling our Arctic bulk water from Alaska. The bottling plant of this firm should be within 100 km of water storage tanks located at the Humen Sea Port, Dogguan, China. The raw pure Arctic bulk water could be transported in food-grade tanks by truck from the storage tanks at the port to the bottling plant.

If you are looking to purchase large quantities of Water or would like to find out more about us please contact us on the link below.



Posted on 27th November 2014 .