Bulk Portable Drinking Water Export Procedure

Procedure for the world wide bulk shipment or potable Glacier-Fed drinking water in bulk.

  1. Prior to loading the bulk water onto the ship:
    1. All piping will be flushed with fresh Arctic Water from the source;
    2.  Water samples will be obtained at the time of loading and will be checked using Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC: also known as Standard Plate Count), Yeast and Mold (Y & M), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Turbidity and Temperature;
    3. The ship tanks, which must be stainless steel or food grade epoxy lined, will be inspected for cleanliness prior to filling. All tanks will have to be steam cleaned and washed to the highest integrity to ensure that no trace of previous food grade products is present. Ship cargo tanks will then be flushed with Arctic Water. All piping will be stainless steel and pumps will be steam driven. The ships will be exclusively dedicated to the transportation of Arctic water, subsequent to the above cleaning procedure.
  2. Loading the large quantities of Bulk water onto Ship:
    1. During loading there will be a continuous flow of the Arctic Water;
    2. Arctic Blue Waters Alaska Inc. will take care that no foreign objects enter the tank;
    3. No spray of sea water will be allowed to seep into the tanks;
    4. Ship tanks will be allowed to overflow to reduce trapped air;
    5. Tanks to have sealed covers.
  3. The Voyage
    1. During the voyage from bulk water source to host country, the ship personnel and staff from Arctic Blue Waters Alaska inc. will conduct visual inspections of the tank covers to ensure that they remain sealed;
    2. Due to large volumes of cold water in the cargo tanks it is anticipated that the product water will remain fresh.
  4. Unloading the large quantities of bulk water at host country ports:
    1. The dock-piping manifold will remain sealed prior to offloading. It will then be connected to food grade hoses from the ship for unloading the Arctic Water;
    2. Arctic Blue Waters Alaska inc. will take care to ensure that open hose endings do not come in contact with the dock surface;
    3. Inspections by Arctic Blue Waters Alaska inc. will be made of all hoses to ensure cleanliness;
    4. The pipeline from the dock to storage tanks will be flushed with Arctic Water prior to raw water being pumped into the plant storage tanks;
    5. Water samples will be obtained by Arctic Blue Waters Alaska inc. at the time of unloading and will checked using Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC: also known as Standard Plate Count), Yeast and Mold (Y & M), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Turbidity and Temperature;
  5. Pretreatment of the large quantities of bulk raw Arctic Water prior to packaging:
    1. Particulate Filtration – all raw Arctic Water shall be made to pass through three (3) in-line particulate filters approved for potable water, operated in compliance with manufacturers standards and specification and used in sequence as follows:
      1. Filter One – a pretreatment filter
      2. Filter Two – a one (1) micron absolute filter
      3. Filter Three – a 0.45 micron absolute filter
      The three in-line filters shall be checked at start-up and will be pressure checked hourly during bottling production to ensure that neither filter breaches nor leakage occurs during processing. No particulate larger than 0.45 microns shall be found in the processed water after filtration;
    2. Stage One Ozone Treatment – immediately following particulate filtration, all filtered Arctic Water shall be subject to stage one ozone treatment in a manner and to a dosage required by U.S.A. – FDA, Federal Health and IBWA and EBWA Code Standards for complete germicidal disinfection and removal of any possible undesirable organic contaminants. This process leaves the water in its pure natural state with no additives;
    3. Removal of Ozone and Post-Ozone Filtration – immediately following stage one ozone treatment, Arctic Water shall have the ozone removed by passage through ultraviolet light or other satisfactory process and the de-ozonated water shall thence immediately be made to pass through a 0.45 micron absolute particulate filter;
    4. Stage Two Ozone Re-introduction – after passing through the 0.45 micron absolute particulate filter, ozone will be re-introduced into the Arctic Water prior to it’s entering the bottle filler, in a manner and to a concentrated consistent with U.S.A. & EBWA – FDA, Federal Health and IBWA and EBWA Model Code Standards. Within four to six hours after bottling, the ozone dissipates leaving pure natural Arctic water.
  6. Packaging shall be consistent with U.S.A. – FDA, Federal Health and IWBA & EBWA: Good Manufacturing Practices and shall include
    1. Filling bottles only with Arctic Water provided by bottler;
    2. Filling to an amount equal to the declared contents;
    3. Capped securely and tamper sealed to prevent contamination and leakage;
    4. Affixing labels to each filled bottle in the correct position, alignment and ensuring complete adhesion;
    5. Affixing a single or double line production code as specified by management to each bottle, which code shall identify the particular production run by the year, day of the year and time of production;
    6. Maintaining records reflecting the production codes, including volumes produced on each day;
    7. Arctic Blue Waters Alaska inc. will supply a minimum of 10 bottles per production to run for analysis and library storage;
    8. Boxing, palletizing and pallet wrapping the pallets, including affixing lot number stickers;
    9. Arctic Blue Waters Alaska inc. will store the wrapped pallets until cleared for shipment by quality control department.

 If you are interested in buying large quantities of bulk water or if you have any questions on what we do please click on the link below.

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